13.01.3288 (Ref.)

7630049618206 (EAN-13)

Kit de herramientas de fibra óptica HOBBES incl. Comprobador de fibra Pro

Estado: NUEVO 
Ud. min: 1
21.00% IVA incluido
Fiber Optic Installation & Repair Tool Kits provides the technician with the basic tools that are essential for fiber optic termination and testing.
FC–2005, Fiber Checker Pro
Carbide scribe
Epoxy application syringe 2 pieces
A/B fast epoxy glue
ST polish disc
SC polish disc
Fiber optic wipes paper(wet and dry)
Kevlar cutter
Glass working pad 6"x 8"
Crimp tool
6µm brown diamond polish film 4"x 4"
1µm purple diamond polish film 4" x 4"
0.05µm white alum. oxide polish film 4"x 4"
Rubber working pad 6"x6"
Epoxy mixer
Epoxy mixer pad